
Rewriting History

AI is starting to have a big real-world impact, hijacking art history and swapping singers’ voices.

Nineties Dad Thrillers—like Yacht Rock, a genre recognised in hindsight.

Jurassic Park but with a cat. Claws.

Emily Zugay redesigns your favourite corporate brands.

People who have unusual—or non-existent—inner voices.

The bomb didn’t beat Japan: Stalin did.

The 500-year-old shipwreck rewriting the history of the age of discovery.

The oil ads that told us that climate change was nothing.

Man announces he will quit drinking by 2050.

The myth of the classically educated elite. This passage instantly sold me on the author: “I went to Stanford and quickly discovered I had much more in the way of education than almost all of my classmates, who seemed more or less unmoored from the Western tradition and certainly hadn’t read any more of the Great Books than I had. I commenced a life of active alcoholism and didn’t attend class for four years. For me, college involved absolutely no learning, so I cannot speak to what is taught there.”

28 November 2021 · Weblog