
Sydney & Gosford

After Singapore I was in Sydney again in July, visiting family with the kids, where I photographed its iconic sights—the Harbour Bridge (crossing it on foot for the first time), the Opera House—as well as some lesser-known ones, like Tarban Creek and Chinamans Beach. We also spent a day up in Gosford at the Australian Reptile Park, taking lots of photos of Aussie fauna. I was going to tack these onto the end of the gallery I posted earlier in the year, but there were enough for a whole new one.

At lunchtime at the Reptile Park, my sister-in-law brought out a packet of Shapes which showed that Arnotts has taken the concept to its logical conclusion (mouseover to see a naked shape):

Arnotts Shapes

Tasmania left off the map again, I see. (And now I see that that ancient tongue-in-cheek complaint was an excuse for fresh newspaper articles when they were launched. As if anyone would actually want a bunch of 5mm-long triangles included in the box.)

11 September 2019 · Travel