Be His Kernel

I sense a great disturbance in the Verse, as if millions of voices cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced... get well soon, OEDILF.

Escher in Lego. [Via Virge.]

Four-handed Bolero. [Virge again.]

British or Basque? [Via MeFi.]

Leuni Left. [Via The Null Device.]

11 March 2007 · Weblog

The OEDILF forum is back, minus everything posted after 19 January. Man, I hope the backup of the main database is more recent...

Added by Rory on 11 March 2007.

Turns out it is and it isn’t. The limerick side is fine; the workshopping side is half-gone.

Added by Rory on 12 March 2007.

Ah! Nice to see Relativity in Lego again... I discovered the site of the guy that made them a few years back when I was supposed to be revising for something. He's also done Belvedere, Waterfall and several others. I was very into Escher during my teenage years...

When I tried to find them again a year or so ago, he'd vanished. But! You have caused me to remember that his name is Andrew Lipson, and here he is...


Added by K on 13 March 2007.

Aha, I suspected there was an original source somewhere. Thanks for sharing it, K.

Added by Rory on 14 March 2007.

Ah well, I like it when people discover things I've already seen and liked and would have posted a link to if I'd had a blog back then.

And I really thought these had disappeared into the aether.

Added by K on 14 March 2007.

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