
No Deal Strikes Back

The odds of No Deal at the end of 2020 have shortened considerably in the past week or two, even if the government is refusing to call it that. It’ll be more or less certain if we pass 30 June with no UK request to extend transition, but given the tone of current government rhetoric it’s already the way to bet. Why would Johnson sacrifice his reputation among Leavers by accepting a compromise deal when he can look tough by rejecting one? (The major betting sites don’t seem to have this on their radar at the moment. All they’re taking bets on is when the UK will rejoin the EU and which country will leave it next.)

The complexity of our field is routinely exploited to provide a smokescreen.

The UK is not Canada.

50,000 new form-fillers after Brexit.

Will the UK go rogue on Northern Ireland?

Why the myth of the “Australian points-based system” is so damaging.

This is a nation dismantling itself over nonsense.

Brexit is going feral.


All of which prompted some satirical Photoshopping (click through for bigger):


28 February 2020 · Politics