The Ranting Rabbit

An old friend of mine has finally decided to join us here in We-blo-gland. His site, Blithering Bunny, will be “full of reactionary, free-market ravings, but also some skeptical stuff”. Not exactly the politics of yours truly (not that yours truly has written about politics for a while), but it should be entertaining in a P.J. O’Rourke kind of way:

It’s totalitarianism I’m fighting, whether that takes the form of Stalin, Hilter, Ron Vibbentropp, the VC of this Uni, old ladies who are slow in the supermarket queue, people with beards, people who annoy me in some way, I’ll have them all damn well shot!

Blithering BunnyHe says his site will be “more of a daily newspaper columnist audition page than a personal web log”, to which I responded that a lot of blogs nowadays are newspaper columnist auditions. ’Twas ever thus.

I’ve contributed a cartoon banner to his site, and might even be able to get him to use permalinks. In the meantime, Welcome, ol’ pal who chooses to remain anonymous but whose true identity most of your friends would be able to guess and a canny Googler could probably figure out. Blither for Blogland!

Here’s what people said about this entry.

Blimey, that was quick. The Bunny of Blether has now revealed his identity as Scott Campbell, renowned scourge of lazy thinkers and gullible buffoons everywhere.

Added by Rory on a Tuesday in July.
