The Stand-Up



This is the 'back' button, which takes you back to the previous page in the standard reading-sequence. If you're reading pages out of sequence, use the 'back' button on your browser instead.


The 'next' button. Takes you to the next page in the standard sequence.


The 'image' button. Click on one of these and a new window will pop up with an illustration of that part of the chapter. If you're using a non-JavaScript browser, click on the text-link underneath the button instead.


The 'sound' button. Click on these to hear sounds. (Wow, is this browsing 101, or what.) The default file-type is MP3, but a text-link below the button gives you a lower-quality .wav version for a shorter download.


The 'bookmark' button. These occur at natural breaks in each chapter. Right-click or click-hold on one and select 'add link to bookmarks/favorites/whatever' to make a browser bookmark of where you've read to -- then come back later to pick up where you left off.


Takes you back to the home page. You can also click any of the header banners to do the same.

Don't forget that there are also hidden links scattered throughout the main text. Most of these take you off-site -- y'all come back now, y'hear?


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