Michelle Simpson

Michelle Simpson 2

“In 1999 I was living back in Canberra and working at the CSIRO Division of Entomology, and had the opportunity to work with Michelle again. She initially joined the same lab as me at Entomology, and later moved to another research group. It was great to share the same workplace again, and the time we spent together at CSIRO influenced me greatly.

“I started 2000 wanting to make changes in my life, and I wasn’t alone. In the first months of the year, Michelle and I, along with our friend and colleague Andrea, challenged ourselves to try new things. I went to tai chi with Rory, Michelle hosted a cocktail party to celebrate her 33 1/3 birthday, and Andrea started fencing; the three of us dubbed our activities ‘Adventure Training for Doona Dwellers’.”

Jane Ewins on her friend Michelle Simpson, 1967-2007

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