Walking West 4

Not only do I write a weblog, but I also read them: way too many of them. Here, from Z to A, is a selection of logs that take my fancy. (Not enough for you? There's a longer list at WW3.)

The Short Version

The Long Version

Jeffrey is your one-stop shop for daily web-design news and tips and the occasional insight into his life in New York. He's also the moving force behind A List Apart—another essential stop for web designers.
Neale is a Sydney-sider, iconoclast, weblogger and online-fiction writer.
World Wide Jeb
Jeb lives in Sydney and writes funny stuff.
Wombat File
Four intercontinental friends in the US and Australia conduct an intelligent and amusing weblog discussion.
What's New Pussycat?
Shauna lives in Canberra, Australia, where she works in the web industry. Her writing is bright and fun.
Virulent Memes
Graham proves that being stranded in regional Australia is no barrier to a rich and full life of, um, reading web pages. He's also an editor for Grouse!, which is, and cracks the whip at Records Ad Nauseam, whose contributors include yours truly.
Adam is a sarcastic undergraduate studying comp sci and an arts subject, just like I once was (at Stanford, just like I once wasn't).
Synthetic Zero
Mitsu hails from Portland, Oregon, and writes thoughtful stuff.
Strange Brew
Alice doesn't post often, but I like her slightly bemused take on things. Another Canadian.
American writer Scott has an on-again, off-again relationship with the web: luckily for us, at the moment it's on again.
Derek is a San Francisco web worker and the generous spirit who gave us the trail-blazing communal and personal story-telling site The Fray.
Tom is a Londoner, yet another web worker, and one of weblogging's early stars (by 'early' read '1999').
One Day Soon
James also lives in London, where he's becoming a comedic force to be reckoned with. He's also my only real-life friend who logs, has his own domain-name, and all that.
The webloggers' groupmind, created by 'Mathowie'. News and commentary with a broader ambit than /.
Little Green Weblog
Charles and Michael, west coast webdesigners, offer good web tips and thoughts and a range of cycling anecdotes.
One of the better 'linking logs', by Londoner Darren. A good source of comics-related links.
Inflight Correction
Owen gets me thinking in interesting ways more than just about anybody. This log and its companion, Stay Awake, live at The Noodle Incident.
I Hate Music
Tanya demolishes half the records and bands I hold dear. Hilariously.
Lance's San Francisco-based Glassdog Empire is an inspiration to would-be megalomaniacs everywhere.
Paul is an American writer who posts provocative, intelligent work; Ftrain isn't really a weblog, but it's always interesting.
Dr Mabuse's House of Fun
The erudite and insightful Ed takes no prisoners in his posts about the web and the world. His regular rants live here, while his occasional rants live at edrants.
Greg is an Australian philosopher living in Sydney (for now).
Caterina is a San Francisco-based web worker writing a science fiction novel.
Captain Cursor
Another San Franciscan, Taylor once worked at HotWired. He posts infrequently at times, but his comments on the web industry are worthwhile.

8 August 2001
Modified 17 August 2001

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