Political Obituaries

The thoroughly humiliating and extremely satisfying demise of Tony Abbott. First Dog on the Moon anticipating last week’s schadenfreude months ago. Bonus First Dog.

The UK media’s treatment of Jeremy Corbyn.

What the British were really laughing about on Monday.

British Constitutional Law 401: Death of the Monarch.

How the harrowing personal essay took over the Internet.

Geena Davis’s two easy steps to make Hollywood less sexist. “The basics are that for every one female-speaking character in family-rated films (G, PG and PG-13), there are roughly three male characters; that crowd and group scenes in these films—live-action and animated—contain only 17 percent female characters; and that the ratio of male-female characters has been exactly the same since 1946.”

The most crucial item that refugees carry: a smartphone.

The day Ahmed Mohamed went viral.

Exxon’s own research confirmed the role of fossil fuels in global warming decades ago. What happened next will not amaze you.

He’s just woven the world’s finest Panama hat, but who will buy it?

Avant-garde Soviet bus shelters.

Sweden experiments with the six-hour working day.

Price gouging on US drug prices. The one that struck me was the 9,245% price increase in six months for Doxycycline, which is used for the prevention and treatment of malaria (I took it as a preventive in 2000), and is on the WHO list of essential medicines. The US price seems to have dropped since, to a mere $30 for a bottle of 20 tablets ($750 for 500), but it’s still ridiculous when the international price is between 1 and 2 cents a tablet.

Japan dumbs down its universities. Unbelievable.

23 September 2015 · Weblog