Brine Shekel

The true story of the legendary Smithsonian Barbie letter.

Paleo-Future (via MeFi).

Productivity blogs. Um...

Wi-Fi is no “health time bomb” (via

Warming Island.

Environmentalism and work (via MeFi).

Foldschool: DIY cardboard furniture for kids (via Mefi).

The Washington Post Style Invitational asked readers to concoct a work of no more than 75 words using only the words from The Cat in the Hat. My off-the-cuff entry scored an honorable mention.

Mother, you play a sad game. You find these cold fish and make them your pink playthings. You shame us—me, Sally, Pat. We go white when we hear something new. “She did what? With who? When?” We wish you would stop, but no. Deep down, you know the day will come when your tricks run out. Not for nothing do they call you the Fox.

30 April 2007 · Weblog

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