The Great Link Giveaway

Links! Links for everyone!

The Young Visiters by Daisy Ashford (age 9, 1890). I just discovered this, in an edition illustrated by Posy Simmonds. It’s been filmed for TV, but surely it’s quicker (and funnier) just to read it.

Paper cut.

The wit and... well, wit, mainly... of Paul Lynde. (Thanks, other Paul.)

That’s some programming feat.

The 101st Fighting Keyboarders (via MeFi).

Movie dyslexia at b3ta (thanks, AM).

Scriptbum, a script-sharing community (php and JavaScript, not theatre and movie scripts).

4 November 2006 · Weblog

I am groaning (but laughing) at Movie* Dyslexia. And the paper cuts are totally beautiful. Where do you find all this stuff?

First read The Young Visiters when I was seven, and then again about fifteen years later. Enjoyable both times, though it was funnier the second time.

*which I first typed as Mivoe. OK, maybe it's catching.

Added by K on 5 November 2006.

Oh, the usual places... other blogs, friends sending out links, random surfing, that sort of thing.

I loved the bit about the Sinister son of Queen Victoria, and Bernard not knowing what that means, “but I mean to find out”.

Added by Rory on 6 November 2006.

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