Lone and Level Sands

A couple of sites I’ve been working on since last July have finally gone live, although in both cases most of my work on them finished a while ago. (I should have noted this during yesterday’s Reboot, but that was only a coincidence; and besides, they don’t have any flash.)

One is the University of Edinburgh E-Gallery, which showcases various e-learning projects here. I didn’t come up with its design, although I had some input into it, but all of the XHTML/CSS and, more exhaustingly, the XML/XSLT that makes it work with the Open Source Portfolio back-end was mine. (I’ve heard there’s an issue with the CSS on one particular browser/platform combination, which annoyingly I haven’t been able to pinpoint yet.)

Another site I’ve been looking after is the one for the university’s Outdoor Education programme, but I didn’t link to it before now because all I was doing was maintaining an inherited design. My new one, though, has turned out pretty well, if I do say so myself on this here blog that was set up so I could say so myself. There are still traces of the old design and architecture, but I’m cleaning it up more and more over time, along with the table-laden code. If I had the time and money I’d be tempted by their courses myself, so I hope it gets them some new students. The ones who were allergic to purple, perhaps.

2 May 2006 · Journal

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